Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Clouds In My Coffee"

My brother: I wish we could just live in our dreams. Think of how cool that would be.
Me: I don't think that would the best idea.
My brother: (shocked) Why not?
Me: Because if I lived in my dreams, I would fall off of a lot of cliffs and never be able to find what I was looking for.
My brother: [beat] (eruption of laughter) That's awesome!

I love my brother beyond belief, and I knew what he was trying to say, but the moment was too good to pass up. I think the word "dream" is overused. Every inspirational notebook, poster, or wall decoration has the word plastered across it. I love the notion of a dream-- somewhat mysterious and mystical--but the word itself is far too cliche. Maybe we should just use a synonym from hence forth. As a friend mentioned just the other day, "I think I am going to start using 'sweven' instead of 'dream.' It sounds cooler." Maybe she's onto something.

This week I've been thinking of "dreams" less in the sense of what-you-do-when-you're-asleep and more in the sense of goals or aspirations. I guess I'm just realizing how close I am to finishing school. I can't say that I have a big head start on anything written on my "Thirty Before Thirty" list. Older and wiser folks will tell me, "You're young. You have time." I'm just not so sure that is entirely accurate. According to God's Word, I have but a day.

I want to be part of a huge protest--

I want to go to Improv school and work on my comedic timing and composure.

I want to be a registered nurse and live abroad for at least a year in my life. I want to buy a house and to cook for people.

I want to learn how to play the piano and guitar. I want to run a marathon. I want to learn how to drive a stick-shift.

I want to write a book, see the world, and eat good food.

"I had some dreams. They were clouds in my coffee..." --Carly Simon

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